Thursday 14 April 2016

5 Causes Of High Blood Pressure And Know How To Avoid It?

In today’s health environment, blood pressure is a very common and enormous disease. Your daily life activities, plays an important role in treating your high blood pressure. If you are  successfully controlling your blood pressure level with a daily routine life , you might avoid the need for medication. If your blood pressure is very high and  you don’t control  your blood pressure then it can cause many health issues, like a heart attack. If you feel high/ low blood pressure, Urgent Care Clinic Watchung is the best source to know the right causes of blood pressure.

Urgent Care Clinic Watchung

Some of the common causes of High Blood Pressure are listed below. Know the causes and a way to avoid it!

  • Lose extra pounds - Blood pressure generally  increases the weight. Being overweight can cause disrupted breathing while you sleep, which further increase your blood pressure. Weight loss is one of the most effective changes for controlling blood pressure.
  • Exercise Regularly - If you are a patient of blood pressure, exercise can help you avoid the hypertension. If you already have hypertension, regular physical activities can bring your blood pressure down to safer levels.
  • Maintain A Healthy Diet - Healthy diet is an important role in controlling blood pressure. You can always eat the healthy food like, green vegetables, fruits, oats. Try to avoid an oily food and cholesterol free food, as it will help you to control your blood pressure.
  • Less Sodium Intake - A small reduction in the sodium in your diet can reduce blood pressure by 2 to 8 mm Hg. The intake of sodium in your diet varies the affect among different groups of people. If an amount of sodium intake increases in your body, then blood pressure will also be increased.
  • Limit The Amount Of Alcohol You Drink - Alcohol can be good in some cases, but maximum time has the harmful effects. Limit the amount of alcohol intake, as it can destroy your liver and, thus lead to serious health issue.
Urgent Care Near Me

In any case, if you get high blood pressure “Urgent Care Near Me” is the best health center for a quick solution. For any other health issue, the Astrahealth Center is a great choice!

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